Best Manga To Read of All Time

With the increasing popularity of the most enchanting Japanese manga Novel, the industry has introduced tons of Manga series to read online. Blending the history of the Manga series, the novels possess a wide literature landscape and are translated into various languages catering to people knowing diverse languages. Stuffed with fantasy and adventurous stories the novel has captivated readers from across the globe. Some popular Manga novels like Naruto, Dragon Ball, and My Hero Academia have raised intrigue among Manga enthusiasts worldwide.  

But picking the right one which truly worth spending time on from a myriad of options, might be overwhelming for you. Therefore we have compiled a list of the best manga to read in this post. Without any further ado, let’s get right into it.

List of the Best Manga to Read 

1. Chainsaw Man

The thought-provoking Manga series Chainsaw Man is a modern shonen manga that is filled with unexpected suspense and thrills captivating audiences from across the globe making it a must-read Manga noble for anime lovers. However, it possesses some deformed content, but that doesn’t prevent it from gaining a massive hit among manga lovers.

Manga Name Release Date Genre Author
Chainsaw Man December 3, 2018 Action, Supernatural Tatsuki Fujimoto

2. Mushishi

Another name added in this series is Mushisi which is one of the best manga to read. The novel takes you in a fantasy world where humans exist with creatures together.  All are not able to see these creatures, but the protagonist Ginko has the ability to see these aliens and help others who don’t believe in their existence. In this regard, he travels from one place to another helping people to get rid of any Muslim-related issues. The narrative showcases Ginko’s adventure offering a unique perspective on Mushi and how they are necessary evil.

Manga Name Release Date Genre Author
Mushishi October 10, 1999 Fantasy, Mystery Yuki Urushibara

3. Tomomi Nomiya 

The narrative of Tomomi Nomiya is all about the former basketball captain, deciding to drop out of school due to his intense guilt of crushing a young girl in a road accident.  He dedicates his leisure time to helping the needy and meets with Kiyoharu Togawa who has lost his right leg and is adhered to a wheelchair helplessly. This incident has inspired him to back in the ground of basketball by helping other potential players make it his life’s goal. This heart-touching tales has captivated audiences globally.

Pick one of them and enjoy your favorite manga to read in your leisure time.

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About Gee Ly Zindagi

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