Vape Tanks: Know The Various Components Of A Vape Tank
A best vape tank is the part of your vaping device that contains the e-liquid and the coil that vaporizes it. Despite the wide variety of designs available, vape tanks always serve the same purpose: allowing your e-liquid to soak into the wick so that it comes into touch with the coil. When your device is turned on, the liquid in the wick vaporizes, and the coil becomes heated. As you smoke, the tank continuously refuels the wick with e-liquid.
It may seem very perplexing because so many different types of vape tanks are available. However, practically all vaping tanks have a few fundamental components in common, such as:
Clear Tank Section: The transparent tank component typically comprises either plastic or glass. This is the storage area for your e-liquid.
Chimney: This upper portion is attached to the coil as an airway through the tank.
A Drip Tip: The mouthpiece is the drip tip. Mouthpieces come in a variety of styles for a more personalized experience.
The Bottom Portion: The bottom piece is where the coil screws in and connects to the battery. Additionally, it has an airflow feature. Thus, some gadgets allow you to modify the airflow.
Replaceable Coils: To create vapor, your coil will heat the e-liquid within its wick. They are often replaceable.
O-rings: These parts, which stop e-liquid from leaking between the various elements of your tank, are composed of nitrile or neoprene.
High Mellow is a reputable provider of CBD products, vape tanks, THC gummies, pre-rolls, and many more high-quality products. For a better vaping experience, order your vape tank from High Mellow.
4 Different Types Of Vape Tanks
Vape tanks come in several varieties. You’ll get a distinct vaping experience from each. It largely relies on how you vape. Vape tank types include:
- Mouth-To-Lung (MTL) Tanks
Mouth-to-lung (MTL) vaping is appropriate for tanks with a more excellent resistance (1 Ω and above). A chimney linking to the mouthpiece and coil can be seen ascending to the center. Additionally, the tank is enclosed with a detachable top and bottom piece. The airflow control on these tanks is typically adjustable since MTL vaping requires more restricted/tight airflow. Because MTL tanks offer a similar feeling and work with stronger nicotine doses, users who transition from smoking to vaping typically prefer these tanks.
- Sub-Ohm Tanks
A sub-ohm tank’s coil resistance is often less than 1 Ω. These tanks also include significantly bigger chimneys and coils to accommodate increased airflow. Due to the decreased resistance, more e-liquid can be vaporized each second, resulting in thick, dense clouds of vapor and more intense flavors. Furthermore, to vape with a sub-ohm tank, you will require a mod system.
- Temperature Control (TC) Tanks
Temperature control (TC) tanks are sub-ohm tanks with specific coils appropriate for temperature control modifications. Titanium, nickel, and stainless steel coils are made for temperature control (TC), which sets the maximum temperature your coil can attain while vaping. Hence, this prevents dry hits and ensures a more reliable vaping experience.
- Rebuildable Tanks
This tank is similar to the sub-ohm type. You only have to construct your coils for your tank this time. Unique atomizer heads with two contact points to attach your coil are found on rebuildable tanks. These tanks are appropriate for experienced vapers.
How To Fill Your Vape Tanks Easily?
You can fill your tank with e-liquid by following these procedures, regardless of whether it fills from the top or bottom:
- Take Off The Tank’s Components
To begin, remove your tank and locate the filling port. Depending on how your tank is made, you might need to open a flap or hole in one area, remove the mouthpiece, or detach the bottom portion.
- Put The E-Liquid Nozzle In Place
While some tanks have flaps that you must manually open and close, others have holes that shut when you remove the nozzle. Put your e-liquid bottle’s nozzle in.
- Fill Your Tank
As the e-liquid pours in, tilt the tank just a little bit. Make sure to leave enough space to prevent leaks or flooding the chimney.
- Reassemble And Bide Your Time
Reassemble everything, then give your coil three to five minutes to reach saturation. Hence, you won’t receive any burned or dry strikes in this manner.
You can easily fill your vape tanks by following the above steps.
What E-Liquids Are Best For Your Tanks?
Selecting the right e-liquid for your tank is a crucial choice that involves factors beyond taste. Along with nicotine and flavoring, the two significant e-liquid constituents are VG (vegetable glycerin) and PG (propylene glycol).
Every e-liquid will have a blend of VG and PG that consistently adds up to 100%. Two examples are 50% PG / 50% VG or 70% VG / 30% PG. While VG is used as a thickening to vaporize the liquid, PG is used as a carrier for nicotine and flavoring.
Additionally, the main factor determining the type of e-liquid you’ll need to utilize is thickness. E-liquid manufacturers can adjust the ratios of PG and VG in their blends to make their liquids thicker or runnier. An e-liquid will be thicker if it has more VG and thinner if it contains larger concentrations of PG.
Furthermore, if you’re using mouth-to-lung vape tanks, you’ll need a thinner e-liquid, 50% PG or more. Higher VG (60%) e-liquids are recommended for sub-ohm tanks, as they will need a thicker liquid. Heating thicker e-liquids would demand more power, which can only be achieved by a kit that uses a sub-ohm coil.
Wrapping Up
Vape tanks containing the e-liquid are an essential part of your vaping device. Additionally, there are different types of vape tanks. Experienced users mostly prefer rebuildable tanks. However, users who switch from smoking to vaping usually prefer MTL tanks. Furthermore, choosing the right e-liquid is also crucial. At High Mellow, you get high-quality vape tanks. All of their products are safe and lab-verified. Order your vape tanks from High Mellow and save 10% on these products.